Styrke MS-sykepleiere: Viktige verktøy for å forstå biologiske legemidler og biotilsvarende legemidler

Styrke MS-sykepleiere: Viktige verktøy for å forstå biologiske legemidler og biotilsvarende legemidler

Utforsk våre nye utdanningsressurser designet spesielt for MS-sykepleiere, som dekker viktige emner om biologiske og biotilsvarende medisiner.

Disse verktøyene gir verdifull veiledning om å forstå, diskutere og legge til rette for opplæring rundt biologiske legemidler og biosimilarer, noe som gjør det lettere å utdanne både deg selv og kollegene dine. Hvert verktøy er laget for å passe ulike lærings- og opplæringsbehov, med nedlastbare lenker tilgjengelig nedenfor.

Exploring biologic and biosimilar medicines and how they differ from other medicine groups

This in-depth presentation offers a comprehensive overview of biosimilar medicines, covering fundamental concepts that are essential for MS nurses. Ideal for both self-study and educating other MS nurses, this deck provides a solid foundation for understanding the unique properties and clinical considerations of biosimilars.
Exploring biologic and biosimilar medicines and how they differ from other medicine groups
Meeting in a Box: Facilitation Pack

Meeting in a Box: Facilitation Pack

Created to help plan and execute live training events, this facilitation pack includes a PowerPoint slide deck with all the resources needed to organize a smooth and effective meeting. It includes tips for organizing the event, templates for agendas and invitations, and additional materials to ensure a professional experience.

Infographic: ‘Exploring Biologic and Biosimilar Medicines and How They Differ from Other Medicine Groups’

This infographic provides a quick and clear comparison of different medicine types used in MS treatment, focusing specifically on the distinctions between biologic and biosimilar medicines. It’s perfect for a quick reference and as an educational tool for patient discussions.
Infographic: ‘Exploring Biologic and Biosimilar Medicines and How They Differ from Other Medicine Groups’
Infographic: ‘Demystifying the Language of Biologic and Biosimilar Medicines – A Glossary’

Infographic: ‘Demystifying the Language of Biologic and Biosimilar Medicines – A Glossary’

This glossary infographic serves as a concise guide to the key terminology related to biologic and biosimilar medicines, clarifying terms commonly encountered in clinical discussions. It’s an essential quick-reference tool for both new and experienced MS nurses.

MS Nurse Pocket Guide: ‘An Introduction to Biosimilar Medicines’

This dual-sided pocket guide is a handy reference for MS nurses engaging in patient conversations. One side includes patient-friendly explanations, while the other side offers clinical insights to support nurses. This guide is recommended for review before discussing biosimilars with patients.
MS Nurse Pocket Guide: ‘An Introduction to Biosimilar Medicines’

Denne opplæringspakken, levert av Sandoz, tilbyr et omfattende sett med ressurser designet for å forbedre MS-sykepleieres forståelse av biologiske og biotilsvarende legemidler.

Fra detaljerte presentasjoner til hurtigreferanseveiledninger, hvert verktøy støtter MS-sykepleiere i å levere informert, pasientsentrert omsorg.

Enten for selvstudier, teamtrening eller pasientdiskusjoner, dekker disse materialene grunnleggende konsepter, terminologi og praktiske tips som er avgjørende for å navigere i biotilsvarende behandling i MS-omsorg.

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