MS Nurse PRO promotion in Belgium

MS Nurse PRO promotion in Belgium

With the help of the National Belgian MS League and a very active member of our nurse community, MS Nurse PRO had a dedicated booth at the Annual Conference of the Flemish Professional Association for Self-employed Nurses. The stall included informational leaflets about our educational platform, posters, and further information about the Belgian MS League – all kindly presented to you by our nurse volunteer attending the conference.

The physical event, something novel and very much welcomed in 2021, included different thematic lectures, workshops as well as an exhibition floor tailored to the different facets of being a home nurse. A vast array of topics of interest were addressed from the cooperation between colleagues and legal obligations of a nurse, to more in-depth topics such as wound care registration based on the TIME model or the future of home nursing from the perspective of general practitioners. The participants were also encouraged to take part in networking opportunities by participating in a professional speed dating session.

The Annual Conference of the Flemish Professional Association for Self-employed Nurses is also the place where the nurse community can meet Belgian patient associations and find out more about their work and the vital relationship between nurses and patients.

To find more information about the organisations mentioned about, please visit their websites:


If you are interested in organising or participating in a similar event in your country, please contact us via [email protected]



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