Covid 19 COVID-19 Treatment
COVID 19 vaccines, DMTs and team updates

The last newsletter of 2021 covers interesting reads about vaccines, DTM, and the effects of winter on people with MS as well as team updates and exclusive teasers.

Newsflash! Looking back at the 2021 EMSP Conference and a survey to hear your opinion on MS Nurse PRO
Newsflash! Looking back at the 2021 EMSP Conference and a survey to hear your opinion on MS Nurse PRO
This year’s EMSP Conference was very special as it was co-organised with MS Nurse PRO. Over a hundred nurses participated, creating an impact on both care professionals and people with MS. Find all relevant learning materials in this newsflash and on our website! Months after the launch of the new platform, we would like to hear what impact MS Nurse PRO had on you! Please answer our short survey here. More details can be found further down in this newsflash.
Newsletter: COVID19 vaccines and mental health
Newsletter: COVID19 vaccines and mental health. Register now for the conference of the European MS Platform and MS Nurse PRO
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