Relevant research insights for nurses on vaccination and urinary infections

Elena Kelly
Relevant research insights for nurses on vaccination and urinary infections

Vaccination is not found to increase the risk of MS in children and adolescents

  • A German study has found that vaccination does not increase the risk of MS in children and adolescents in the 5 years preceding diagnosis; instead, there was a trend toward a lower risk of paediatric-onset MS in vaccinated children.
  • This in line with other studies that have found no significant link between vaccinations and the onset of MS.
  • The authors conclude that these results underscore the importance of maintaining trust in childhood vaccination programmes

Darvishi S, Donnachie E, Gasperi C, Hapfelmeier A, Hemmer B. Vaccination as a risk factor for pediatric multiple sclerosis: Insights from a retrospective case–control study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 2024;30(14):1825-1829. 


Urinary tract infection tops the reasons for hospital admissions in MS


  • A US study has found that people with MS are primarily admitted to hospital due to urinary tract infections, indicating that bladder problems could be better managed in this population.
  • Length of stay and readmission rates were similar to those of the general population.
  • This suggests that actively addressing management of and techniques for bladder dysfunction may decrease the admission rate for individuals with MS.
  • The authors concluded that increasing access to outpatient care and subsequent workups may help reduce preventable admissions.

Danelvis Paredes, Elijah Lackey, Suma Shah. Reasons for Hospital Admission in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Int J MS Care. 2024; 26 (Q4): 302–307

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